Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Running a Test Campaign

Running a test campaign will execute the campaign as if it is in production mode.


  1. On the Overview tab, select Run Test.

The following options are available when you run the campaign in test mode:

Status Description
Run Test Starts campaign processing
Pause Test Places the campaign in pause state to allow amendments to be made to the campaign
Resume Test Continues to process the campaign in test mode
Clear Test Clears all campaign state data created by the test. Some counts and activity log entries may persist after the clear, but will be cleared when the campaign is restarted.

If you want to view completed test deployments in the Campaign Activity Monitor after you have cleared the test, the data will have changed to effectively become an Email Manager entry (because the data has been cleared from Campaign Manager). The cleared test deployment shows the following changes in the Campaign Activity Monitor:

  • The Source name has changed from 'Campaign Manager' to 'Email Manager'
  • The Campaign Name has changed to the Email Manager creative category
  • The user changes from the campaign owner to the Email Manager owner

  1. Select the State or Totals tab to check the progress of the campaign once it is running.
Note: Sent events do not show in the email dashboards for test campaigns. However, if an email is opened from a test campaign then Open events will be shown in the dashboards. This is because Open events are required to drive triggers as part of the campaign test process.
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